Peinhardt Living History Farm

Cullman, Alabama

Farm Days 2024 have been cancelled.

image of barn

The Peinhardt Living History Farm is an educational family farm focusing on rural life in the 1930's and 1940's.

America's children are drifting further and further away from their agricultural roots and heritage. Many adults grew up in the days when visits to Grandma and Grandpa's farm were common occurrences. But few of these farms remain and children today do not have that same opportunity. To most children, milk does not come from cows and eggs do not come from chickens; they come from the grocery store.

The goal of this program is to help fill this void in children's experience that is creating an agricultural illiteracy. The program theme is Life and Living on a Working Family Farm. The focus is that the barnyard and animals, the house and garden, the field, the woods and the horses all have an important purpose in helping the farmer make a living for him and his family.

To see the Peinhardt Living History Farm in action, see the Simply Southern Television Show, from 2015, Season 1 Episode 2 (minutes 10:16 - 13:49).

The Peinhardt Living History Farm is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and welcomes tax-deductible donations, which can be sent to:

Peinhardt Living History Farm Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 1938
Cullman, AL 35056

Thank you for your continued support!


The Peinhardt Living History Farm Foundation Board has made the difficult decision to cancel all school and public events for fall 2024 due to family illness. Please keep the Peinhardts in your prayers and thoughts and thank you for your continued support of the PLHF.